Commute by Bike | Stay Motivated

Bike Commute

If you’ve ever bailed on a commute at the eleventh hour, you’re not alone. Finding the motivation to commute by bike is tough, especially when you’re juggling a busy schedule or Mother Nature is involved. When your interest begins to wane, use these tips to help stay on track.

Bike CommuteLower your expectations. If you’re just starting out, you don’t need to be a super-commuter. Aim to ride two or three days a week and then as your fitness and stash of biking equipment grows, build up from there.

Mix it up. Maybe your problem is just the opposite. If you’ve mindlessly pedaled the same route day after day, it won’t take long for boredom to set in. Plan a new bike route, a coffee stop or explore an unknown neighborhood on the way to work. You can also challenge your body by extending your ride home or adding a few hill climbs into the mix.

Bring a buddy.  If you commit to meeting a friend, your chances of bailing significantly decrease. Riding with a friend not only holds you accountable to the commute, but also makes the time pass quickly because you have someone to talk to.

Go public. One of the best ways to commit to anything is to voice your plan out loud. That’s right, inform your family of your intent to commute by bike, tell your boss and your co-workers or anyone who will hold you accountable to your decision.

Bike to WorkGet equipped. Commuting is a tall order when you’re riding a bike that’s uncomfortable or is in need of a tune-up. It’s also a pain if you only have one pair of padded shorts or don’t have a rain jacket. Happy commuters carry tools and have gear for whatever Mother Nature throws at them. Try to make your bicycle commute as painless as possible. If you lack the clothing, don’t commute when it rains. If your bike needs some love, grab Park Tools’ Big Blue Book of Bicycle Repair, read our blog Perform Your Own Bike Tune-Up, or make an appointment with your local mechanic.

Spread the love. Have you ever passed a cyclist in you car and thought, “that should be me?” Sometimes just spotting another commuter has the power to send us searching for our helmet and Maya Cycle bicycle trailer. Keep the positive vibes flowing by greeting other riders on the road with a friendly wave or a smile.

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